My first attempt at spring rolls

Inspired by all of Megan the Vegan's spring roll creations I decided to try my hand at making spring rolls. I especially loved her discovery that you can bake the spring rolls in the oven and not deep fry them. I meant to take pictures of all the stages, but unfortunately I forgot. Anyway, these spring rolls have rice noodles, nappa cabbage, mushroom, and carrots in them. They were quite yummy and even better warmed up. I served them with Nancy's delicious tofu over more rice noodles stir fried with orange pepper and nappa cabbage. Did you know that cabbage optimizes your cells' detoxification and cleansing ability? For about 20 years, we've known that many phytonutrients work as antioxidants to disarm free radicals before they can damage DNA, cell membranes and fat-containing molecules such as cholesterol. Now, new research is revealing that phytonutrients in crucifers, such as cabbage, work at a much deeper level. These compounds actually signal our genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process through which our bodies eliminate harmful compounds.
Labels: spring rolls
At Monday, 20 November, 2006,
laura k said…
Your spring rolls look great! Especially for a first attempt. I tried them too for the first time this weekend, but I had to use phyllo dough--no eggless wrappers anywhere to be found!
At Monday, 20 November, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Oh Melissa, that looks soo good! I'll have to get that recipe from you.
At Monday, 20 November, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Yippy for spring rolls. I just made a whole bunch and froze them...perfect for throwing in the oven when a cravy occurs!
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