I come out of blogger hiding...
I received my copy of Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World in the mail just two days before I handed in my dissertation. Today is the first day I've had to try one of the recipes. These are the sexy low fat vanilla cupcakes. I managed to create my own version of the icing quite by mistake. I mixed the jam in with the icing sugar... it was supposed to be spread on the cupcake separate from it. I also substituted the soy yogurt with apple sauce because I don't have any soy yogurt. Anyway, they still turned out just fine. These are a tastey little cupcake especially with the strawberries on top.
At Friday, 03 November, 2006,
Vicki's Vegan Vice said…
great dessert-tation!!!
these cupcakes look soo yummy & festive. super-cute liners.
At Friday, 03 November, 2006,
laura k said…
So cute! What a great way to come out of hibernation!
Hope everything went well!!???
At Saturday, 04 November, 2006,
Melissa said…
Gorgeous! Welcome back :)
At Saturday, 04 November, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Those cupcakes look beautiful. Love the strawberry on top. And thank you for the anniversary wishes :)
At Sunday, 05 November, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Glad you're posting again! BTW, those cupcakes look delish. I think I'll put that book on my Christmas list.
At Sunday, 05 November, 2006,
Don't Get Mad, Get Vegan! said…
mmm, those are beautiful indeed! i still can't bring myself to try any of VCTOTW's confections for fear of eating 'em all myself with noone to share with! ;)
At Sunday, 05 November, 2006,
KleoPatra said…
Great to see you! So sad we didn't hook up when i was up your way!!! So nice to see you post and also love the cupcakes. Who wouldn't? They look GREAT!!!
At Monday, 06 November, 2006,
Kati said…
These are so pretty and pink - they match the smoothie I just made the other day!
At Tuesday, 07 November, 2006,
Dr. Melissa West said…
Hi Vicki... yes, I must pick up more super cute liners.
Hi Laura - I am in a holding pattern right now. External committee has dissertation, defense is on December 6th. Thanks for asking. I will keep you posted.
Thanks Melissa...I've bookmarked your blog as well so I can check out what you are up to as well.
Hi emmy - you are welcome. I think it is really important to celebrate those good relationships and marriages, you are an inspiration.
Hi debra - I guess low fat doesn't seem sexy unless you call it sexy... I'd like to try these again with raspberries or blackberries - the grocery store didn't have any nice looking ones last shopping trip.
Hi Nancy
I think Santa told me he is already planning on getting you that book. To avoid duplicates, keep it off list.
Hi Kleo
Thanks for being so forgiving about Toronto. It was a crazy weekend - the last weekend I will ever work on my dissertation. But it is in now... so I am on to defense prep. If you are ever up this way again, I would love to hook up.
Hi kati
I think the smoothie together with these cupcakes would make a complete meal. At least a meal that would make me completely happy! LOL!
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