Soup and Salad

Last week when we were shopping hubby eyed some leeks and said, "Could you make potato and leek soup?" Of course I can! I bought some potatoes and leeks and figured I would have everything I need. I was right. I used a simple potato and leek recipe from La Dolce Vegan. This recipe book has a lot of soup recipes in it, which is great this time of year. Things are getting cooler and there is nothing like a bowl of fresh, piping, hot soup to warm you up.
"As with onions and garlic, the sulfur compounds in leeks account for some of its healing action. But unlike those cousins, leeks are an excellent source of the lesser known carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. Because leeks are milder than onions and garlic, they are less stimulating and therefoe better suited to young children and people with a fierty, hot temper. As a stalk-like vegetable leeks energetically support movement. Next time you're feeling physically, emotionally, or mentally stuck, favour leeks and other such vegetables. They subtly tonify and support energy movement" (Wood 1999, 187).
I served this soup with a salad. I loaded this salad up with orange toppings. Orange tomatoes, orange peppers and chickpeas.
At Saturday, 07 October, 2006,
fusion boutique said…
Hey Melissa
So I am compiling a mental list of all things that you would like to try on ... Sunday is going to be fun!! I am bringing a suitcase and yes I will add in some toques. And yes the black top will be gorgeous for your defense. Can't wait to see you all!
At Saturday, 07 October, 2006,
laura k said…
I love that salad--so beautiful. And I've been coveting a bowl of potato-leek soup for some time now. You're right--soups are just heavenly this time of the year.
At Saturday, 07 October, 2006,
Melissa said…
Beautiful colours! I've been eyeing up the potato and leek soups in keep inspiring me to try recipes I pass over otherwise!
At Monday, 09 October, 2006,
KleoPatra said…
Hey, Melissa, it all looks GREAT! What colours in that salad!
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