Behind the Apron

Fiber over at 28 cooks is hosting a "Behind the Apron" round up to try to get to know her fellow food bloggers out there in food land.
Here I am! I am the proud mother of a beautiful and spirited five year old daughter. I've been married to my awesome husband for ten years. Professionally I am a nutrition and lifestyle coach, vegetarian chef and cooking class instructor, yoga, pilates, and fitness instructor and freelance writer. I just completed my doctoral dissertation in communication and culture in December of 2006, which makes me Dr. Melissa West. I love to cook. My favourite thing to cook is probably cupcakes. That's it, that's me. Did I forget anything?
At Friday, 05 January, 2007,
Fiber said…
What a fabulous picture of you, and it's great to finally have a face to the comments!
Thanks so much for your support of 28 Cooks!!
At Friday, 05 January, 2007,
madeinalaska said…
wow.. what a great into to you.. my mother has been pushing me to post a photo of me and my family.. but, I am shy.. bravo to you!
a very heartfelt congrats on that doctoral degree!
take care,
And a very Happy new year to you and your family!!
take care
At Friday, 05 January, 2007,
madeinalaska said…
oppps.. Meant to say what a great intro to you.. forgot the r...
At Friday, 05 January, 2007,
Dr. Melissa West said…
Hi Fiber, if you can believe it, my daughter, the budding photographer took that picture. I love it even without make up!
madeinalaska, my hubby is nervous about me posting pictures of myself on the web, so let's keep this on the down low!
At Saturday, 06 January, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Wow, Melissa, that's a great pic! You have so many accomplishments under your belt...good for you!
At Saturday, 06 January, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Dr West....great to meet you!!!!
At Saturday, 06 January, 2007,
urban vegan said…
You are gorgeous--and so are your cupcakes. Congrats on your PhD! Brava. Brains & beauty--what a combo.
At Saturday, 06 January, 2007,
Dr. Melissa West said…
thanks nancy!
megan the vegan - I feel like I already know you with your adorable photograph! Are you going to join the behind the apron round up?
urban vegan - I am blushing... but I graciously thank you!
At Sunday, 07 January, 2007,
Catherine said…
Hi there Melissa! nice to "see" you!
At Monday, 08 January, 2007,
laura k said…
Hi Melissa! Great to see you! :) Love the picture of you rounding up your cupcakes!
At Tuesday, 09 January, 2007,
Anonymous said…
love the picture, is nice to now about you!
At Sunday, 04 February, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Great photo! I'm glad I found your blog.
At Monday, 05 February, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Great introduction! And, congrats on your educational achievements!
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