Cooking Delights

Friday, August 18, 2006


"If you love deeply, you will grieve deeply. If you deny your grief, you deny the reality of the love you felt."
Diana McKendree

I decided to write a eulogy for my bread machine because a ceremony would necessarily carry on for many hours, which just wasn't bearable. How can a single eulogy sum up my bread machine's life and spirit? My bread machine was a faithful and loyal companion to our family.

When my bread machine died tragically a few days ago, it came as a profound sense of loss. The pan seized after a long and difficult fight. Despite treatment with WD40 the pan was not able to recover. I regret that my beloved bread machine will not knead bread again.

The loss of my bread machine has been difficult. In the days following the death of my bread machine I was forced to resort to making pizza on store bought pita bread.

I want to take this opportunity to thank my bread machine for your special blends of multigrain and spelt pizza dough, raisin bread, panettone, and my favourite honey oat bread. Your contribution to the joy of this family is duly noted and will be very much missed but not forgotten.


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